No matter where we come from, or where we are born, our country is called Solidarity.

“We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re going to fight racism with solidarity” – Fred Hampton, Black Panthers Party- May 1969

Our country has no passports or borders. The only wars it wages are those against fascism, colonialism, racism, injustice and inequality.

Our country does not live in isolation, atomisation and submission. It lives in all that connects us, brings us together and brings confidence to the fight for a better world.

Our country is in grave danger. We need to stand up, take to the streets and show our presence.

Because our country’s future is burning.

Because our country’s Freedom has been strangled,

Because the equality of our country has been murdered,

And because our country’s Dignity has been crushed by oppression.

Our country is in danger. This is why we are calling on all those who hold these values dear to join us in a widespread mobilisation.

For the future. Our country burning. But not because of migration, the colours of our skin, our different origins, or our religions. No, these flames are being fanned deliberately by those who wish to create division. We denounce all forms of racism, including islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-traveller racism, anti-blackness and anti-Asian hatred. We demand in particular an end to racial profiling, the repeal of the “separatism” law, for respect of the right to self-determination of all peoples and an end to economic, military and political domination, particular in the Francafrique.

For freedom. It is clear to us that if we allow the freedoms of some to be curtailed, the freedom of all is threatened. This applies to the more and more authoritarian measures that we are seeing applied in France. We demand the freedom of movement and the right to protest. We demand in particular the repeal of the “global security law”, an end to police violence and crimes against prisoners, the end of repressive measures against migrants (such as OQTF* and IRTF*) and the closure of administrative detention centres. And we demand the destruction of the walls and borders being built all around the world to separate and control the people.

For equal rights. The arguments used against immigration are economically false and only serve to justify measures that strengthen racism and social inequality. The oppression and exploitation of migrants worsens the conditions of all workers.

We demand equal rights for all. We demand stronger services with real access to healthcare, education, decent incomes, decent housing and an end to the deportations of migrant workers from hostels. And we especially demand the regularisation of all undocumented migrants.

For dignity. We refuse the normalisation of the intolerable. We denounce anti-immigration politics and hostility towards migrants. We refuse the cooptation/instrumentalisation of women for racist ends. We demand truth and justice for all victims of police violence and prisoners. We demand the respect for the views and beliefs of all. It is by standing up that we recover our dignity.

For Solidarity. We call on all to stand up, get together and organise. To give life to our country wherever it exists. In every neighbourhood, village, round-about, school and workplace. Whether it be a hospital threatened by cuts, a mosque or synagogue that has been closed or attacked, a church taking place in a hunger strike for migrants, an antiracist organisation that has been dissolved/banned or threatened by it, a theatre occupied by protestors, a strike picket, a home threatened with eviction or a border fence. From a local association or union to a space for culture and solidarity…

We call on our country to rise up en masse, to organise and fight for solidarity and against racism. You can support us by joining in one of the actions below:

  • By multiplying initiatives of every kind
  • By organising protests in every town and every town and village on the 18th December for International Migrant’s Day
  • And by joining us in Paris in March 2022 for a national mobilisation for International anti-racism day.

Our country exists. It is called Solidarity.